I dreamed I was at some sort Of carnival/expo with my sister and my ex. Somehow I got separated from them I met a young French woman. She was beautiful, and she Liked me a lot. There was a lot of passion and an instant connection. I had cuts all over my face for some reason. She liked me anyway. In fact, she didn't even mention the cuts. The attraction was strong. There was a heat I could smell. We started making out, and we were just getting ready to do it, when we noticed a large crowd behind us. We laughed, and she wrote her information on my hand. Later, I was playing with a bear, and some other strange animal. I fell in a river, and her phone number and address were washed off my hand. I never did find my sister and the ex. I woke up, and felt Sick to my stomach. Why are all the good ones in dreams? I need to visit France.