Long ago, I closed my eyes with the warm sun on my face And I dreamed of finding more of myself beyond this place So I set out on a journey that would take most of my life I searched every path but fumbled back when met with strife Each turn and new horizon just a mirage of hope that faded The day brought less resolve; the nights despair invaded My foolishness deluded me and priceless years it stole Until I was left with nothing in a wasteland of my soul Who am I beyond these mazes? I thought I could be more. Now standing here, I see tracks of the lives that went before. We are all the same; life ends with a breath just as it starts So I closed my eyes and understood... I am no more beyond my heart
Pride and greed along with a myriad of futile pursuits lead us away from the simple yet solid core of who we are. These cheap things and false ideas distract us from what is truly meaningful and keep us from experiencing happiness, contentment, and peace.