1 year and 9 months since we ended. 1 year and 2 months since I told you to stop calling. 9 months since I last scanned every parking lot for your car, hoping we weren't in the same place. 6 months since I was able to say your name and be okay. 4 months since I started doing things that we used to do together. 3 months since I finally started feeling like myself again. 1 month since I truly moved on. 1 hour since I ran into you in public with her, for the first time. 30 minutes since I realized that you were doing okay, but maybe I was not. 15 minutes since I felt regression. 5 minutes since I figured out how much time I felt was lost. 2 minutes since I've learned that everything is going to be okay. 1 minute since I've accepted that only time will tell.