I reflect with a projection, when hearing melodies of rhythm or stronger lower basses like guttural voice chords, especially in the dark or being on a waiting room of a car ride, whenever I want it or not / an endless dance or some semi-tangible image that twirls into hot red rose petals even though there’s no dress to whizz, feet strong like Carmen Amaya’s had no mercy for Iberian taverns’ dance floors of flamenco / watching that spectacle always from discarded collage views / of that accounting and how no voice is needed to direct the melody a vector, only let it be sung-thrung through the heat rising and orchestra listened to completely, sharp motions in the eyes of the crowd or those who had ever considered pondering on me like a philosophy...
Maybe such styles and asphyxiations of rapid ragged jerkings of too sharp notes in the air cutting the atmosphere like a blunt knife have got to me a long time ago, stay ever more as visions to moves audacious, and have been chosen beforehand my vessel without its decision to be turned into something greater in the collaboration with my own other dishes to fit Passion.
Then - then - I always imagine - then in all that how any certain entity would be looking at that, taking it in from the outside and what that painting of me partly will be made as in their sculpted no flesh eyes.
/ Thank you Ladies, Gentlemen, Whoever Further for attending /
Prima, Prova, espanso aggiunto dalla danza e verso il fiato soffocato ma del fiato. The daze of that accounting and making, above, within, towards, has been written and reminisced so real from every reoccurring time of itself my body authentically lost breath and freedom of fatigue's influence by then from that vision. Beforehand, afterhand. Have you ever come to dance there where your body doesn't exist yet only what's beyond it eventually here on Earth or somewhere else? The feet knives rather than flesh and deprived of idea of physical ******* or not