Once upon an asphalt road, under a starry sky and in the midst of a desert...
I was walking towards infinity...
And then as if from another dimension, A stranger appeared on a familiar bicycle With a face veiled like the darkness of the night... And began to accompany my wandering soul...
We talked of all things that the heavens would permit, And in a way that our sounds would forever leave behind their stains in the fabric of time...
He was neither a friend nor a foe, neither a kin nor a lover...
He was just like what a page is for a poet, or a guitar for a musician...
A vessel for the unknown that I was to experience...
Once down the asphalt road under a starry sky...
On my journey towards the infinity...
I was glad atleast my heart was
That I had a stranger for company!
This poem is about a dream I saw...few months ago. And it was pretty weird. How our mind craves for somebody to understand us that sometimes even strangers seem to be enough! Anyways, Thank you for reading this! :)❤