love is a symbol words are symbols twice removed from reality and they are road signs, pointers if you will to that which lies beyond and between and behind and you can see it in the light and Nietzsche saw it in the void and Hamilton saw it in the venom. you can see it in the white noise in the Lo-Fi. you can hear it in the Vajrayana pearls. drive behind the Diamond vehicle and ride inside the slip stream. sit behind the Bon funeral Priests and it says:
“Children of the Hologram - do not make me a martyr. your kings will make of me an effigy it will turn the Diamonds into paper but that is not my Will. you’ll chew on discs of gold and that will be your King. Children of the Hologram - my words are not my own. it calls to us from the place of light. when energy is at rest it is dark and the dark is good and time is a 1000 petal lotus. at times you’ll encounter evil. Remember: that is your own self you behold before you. she is afraid and he is alone and its timepiece is a flat circle and round and round it goes. only you can see him because only you made her and you made the light in which you see but images cannot see.”
there are signs there are those who have been before. heed their warnings. Feed the Bodhisattva your kings will burn them and your kings will make effigies. Disregard. Overlook. look to where the words point you wrote them you’ve been here before there is light coming through the leaves and the branches. the Japanese have a word for that