whenever I stumbled and fell, instead of helping me up, they pushed and berated me, knocking me down even further. safety was never a guarantee. I take each step carefully - too carefully. wondering who can see my trembling hands and feel my heart pounding in my chest.
now when I stumble and fall, I push the helping hands away, even though I want to feel a hand in mine more than anything. I've come to expect sharp, grating words from everyone, even though not everyone is like them.
I pick myself up and hide waiting until the storm settles. sometimes when it all dies down, I'm still not convinced that it's over. I step out of my hiding place and wait for the thunder. I jump at every noise, and I wince at every touch.
I want to have spaces in which my body can relax instead of looking for the next threat. in which my hands are steady, my heart takes a leisurely stroll, and I don't have to hide. in which I can tell myself, "I am safe," and fully believe it.
It's not easy to live with the effects of emotional abuse, but I am healing. I'm hopeful for the future.