Close the curtains Turn off the lights Take off the make up Hang up the costume
I’m done Done being the girl you want I’m done pretending I don’t want to be an actress
This is me. I’m imperfect My skin isn’t flawless And my body doesn’t look like hers.
I change everyday Some days I can’t get out of bed And others I feel like I can touch the sky Sometimes I don’t know who I am.
Am I the girl who shows her colours with pride? Or the girl who hides her scars? Maybe I’m the girl who hides behind a book But I’ll ever be the girl who hides behind a man.
I will find myself some day I’ll show the colours that suit me I’ll show the world my pain I will be me.
But for now, I’m done No more shame No more fear No more acting
I just want my liberty I want to kiss her without fear To wear my clothes without harassments To be free.