I am my own careful detective Investigating parts of me That I myself have hid For years quite stubbornly
Will I be able to rejoin All parts of me together? Will I be able to enjoy The wholeness then forever?
It's not as easy to put into words It feels as if I had maybe two hearts There's one that tries to be so nice But underneath it lies... Another one, the dark and rough, That one was made by times so tough That really it just cannot smile It has its own dark heavy style
I'm digging deep to see My fear is growing though That's how I managed to ignore My darkness for so long
But finally, for feelings' sake, I gotta stop before it's late I need to see and to admit Who am I underneath the dry smile That I have been practicing for a long while
Scared of losing myself? Maybe. But I gotta risk it, Don't I?
After all I just know That my darkest side Does deserve the attention Of my soul and mind
It's a part of me I'll express it in arts Before my dry fake smile Dries out both of my hearts.