A childhood of blackberry stained fingers and butterfly kisses That turned into cigarette scented Sundays Mondays alarm is hardly the birth of a phoenix Everything is so loud So you make playlists to block the days out Talk to therapists so your voice drowns the sounds Of hearts beating to the symmetry of structure Evenings spent drifting through conspiracies That put your mind in and out of ease
I have a shortcut, I can show you
Into a world of leaves Your hair will tangle with the trees The rain will batter you Wet silk and scars Mark promises on your legs But smoky seasoned scrambled eggs And a woodpecker at a pine Is now your divine alarm clock It will curve your mood Become your instinct You’ll be able to tell When thorns become soft You dress to un-impress Ragged ankles of an empress Enter your utopia
On carpets of brambles To be danced above A crumpled tent hosts Seven sweet sisters Fresh from the flames Soul mates are on auction Interviewed by ghosts Who decide your wedding gown You are never unqualified Don’t let the cold get you down Don’t let the past nourish you The way you forget to let the sun do Hidden in the woods Branches block the dreams out Climb to where the schemes rhyme Disregard your sodden socks The needles of a helpless hairbrush Accept the untameable As you stumble, wild Your soles bare You know your worth Your place upon the earth You curl up in the dirt But there’s a nice view And it’s a green that patterns the cosmos Subsides the madman’s blood lust It’s the eyes of your mother And the scent of an absent lover Let it cushion you