It took years It took years for me to love the color of my skin To love the hair that grows out of my head It took years to stop wanting to bleach my skin To stop wanting to straighten my hair It took years To stop wanting to be anything but black To stop wishing that I was never born. But somehow, I still achieved it. Even in the face of people that are hell-bent on hating us every single day.
I should be doing homework but I can’t focus It seems like all this work will be for nothing anyway Like our deathbed is only a day away I should be studying for finals but I can’t absorb any information Instead, I am sitting by the door waiting for my dad to come downstairs Just so I can tell him goodbye and pray that he comes home
I should be planning my future But instead, I can only focus on the next few hours Waiting and waiting and waiting For my dad AND mom to walk through that **** front door.