What if there was no rush? Only an infinity of time To discover the world And all you could do. But that is simply not true. We all head to our grave Minute by passing minute Year by passing year Just because this is so, Is it wise to rush? Or wiser to take your time And let your roots grow deep Soaking in the richness Of an Earth that has seen many generations. It is only then we truly live And not drift like dead wood Afloat a windy river That leads to a long drop over a waterfall. Let's establish ourselves, And become a true part Of this magical world. Fashion yourself into this work of art. Engrave your essence into the bedrock of history. Don't allow the wind of this generation To disanchor your heart. Let your grip tighten Into the realms of future and past For they can be easily forgotten Among the nagging realities of today And the constant worries of the present week. Are we allowed to drop the shallow, And explore the deep waters? The unknown exists. It welcomes the rarest souls Into its hidden chambers. But who dares to go there? Who cares to go there When the colourful attractions Of previous discovery shine all around you? Convenience the wall that guards the masses From the hidden worlds that lay beneath.