Wanting so much, quickly turns to too much Those who have much, don’t know what to do with so much Greed and envy they invite Long talks with eyes, that have seen too much Hungry mouths on streets, empty bellies, cold feet, fake smiles, and sweaty palms Street signs held by those who took too much Left with nothing while standing for nothing Victims of decisions Living under a vision full of nightmares Old scars that trace back to bad choices Squeezing pennies out of dollars While others throw dollars at hurt lovers Wanting too much but not willing to pay attention, Life is a long sentence And meditation is study hall We are stuck identifying classes But lack chemistry Quick to jump to conclusions like mathematicians While producing too much in biology Knowing about the human anatomy but fail to know who we ought to be Let’s tip the scale and see what would happen if the have nots had more And the rich were broke would that increase global peace or is that too much to ask for