Why did it take so long For me to face my fears? To realise I was strong. Strength would wipe away my tears.
A question asked by many. Those looking within, Those who cannot bury, And feeling stretched thin.
Finding myself; A life long quest. 'Look to thyself' Given time, given rest
Your time will come. Love and friendships will fade, Depression that leaves you numb, No doubt leaves us afraid.
Darling don't fret. Your power is there, Unseen as of yet, Ready to glow and glare.
There are many nights ahead, Soundless and sleepless alike, Full of worry and dread, Tears ready to strike.
These cannot be controlled, Nor should they be feared. Let the feelings roll, Allow your mind to be cleared.
This cycle is found, Over and over again. Though you aren't bound to hold onto the pain.
I realised that I have found my own self-worth and strength. I was asking myself why had it taken so long, and when had I realised. This poem is the result of my musings. I am always looking within, but now am beginning to cultivate positivity without neglecting my mental health.