The stable genius spouts his wisdom from the podium. All doctors, scientists, generals - Compared with him, are dumb. He has the best words and ideas no others could conceive. He'll cure you of the COVID-19 if you'd just believe.
So eat some Tide Pods™, drink some Lysol™, boof some Listerine™. Spend twelve hours on a tanning bed and you will come out clean. No more virus, no more suffering, no more pain or strife. You will be cured of COVID, by being cured of life!
And as your soul departs your corpse, if might occur to you. The orange man's thoughts and ramblings might not all be true. But if you live, my Trumpist friend, I'm sure you'll be content to cast your vote to re-elect that fool for President!
Someday, a vaccine will be developed by doctors and scientists to eliminate COVID-19, but will there ever be a cure for the disease of ignorance, fear and hate, as embodied by Donald Trump and his followers?