Waking up in valorous conduct/ aware of my impetuous commitments/ I long for awakenings when my eyes seem to be open/ Misinterpreting a reality I can’t untangle/ Trying to bring about the moments that brought me most happiness by force/ Valiant to go against my deepest rejections/ Alone in the moments we belong together in/ To think my art was stymied by your love/ Selfish me, couldn’t see it took a selfless “Sweet” to redeem our forever ever after/ (Interruptions from the tip of my ego) (Getting the best of my fragility, I’m not tough) In shambles after processing what once was, actually was/ Questioning the will my mental grip strength had during changes I never wanted to face/ Your love, like pummeling fists dodged my ignorance/ Careless and regretful, the silence is filled with what “was”/ Ashamed, but perhaps a benison in development.... through the pain/