After a long day of 8th grade, she came home to be greeted by her two dogs. Rushing straight to her bedroom on a friday afternoon just to open her laptop and put on her favorite pandora playlist While flowing all her brainstormed emotions into her “poem.”
She remember hearing a phrase for the first time that changed her to a more mature mentality. Some crazy lady her mom forced her to weekly always asked her, "any suicidal thoughts lately?" She ignorantly answered “no” not understanding. that next week the Lady asked if she had "suicidal thoughts" Her stomach rages with anxiety as she finds the courage to ask the Lady what it means to be suicidal.
The Lady’s eyes filled with empathy. Google defines it as "Suicidal thoughts, also known as suicidal ideation are thoughts about ******* oneself, which can range from a detailed plan to a fleeting consideration and does not include the final act of killing oneself. " She thought about ending her life for the first time with understanding of what she was doing.
6th grade lunch time. Her eyes were drenched with sadness while her stomach filled with discontent feelings. She told her friends she wanted to die. They filled her ears with temporary healing to mend her mind and wellbeing.
She did not really understand what she was feeling but with goals to not have to feel anymore. She takes a handful of over-the-counter painkillers with temporary joy that it was all over.
She awoke the next morning with guilt and shame.
After reminiscing on this story, She realizes she feels the same feelings but has already accepted the help she needed to try to be able to accept these feelings.
She wanted more than ever to not feel anything but found value in who she was. Still confused, but understood enough about who she was to just be able to feel the pain and move on.
She had never admitted this story to anyone. Not even her loved ones or counselors.
5 years later. She finds this writing on a random spring night. She is grateful, encouraged, and empowered for the growth within herself that she was able to witness
She found purpose for the bad days and loves more. She stays busy; works part-time and goes to school full-time. The best part is she does it with happiness in her heart and with loving and encouraging people surrounding her.
She became stronger than her bad days, allowing herself to fight. She is proud of her story.