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Mar 2020
So ..... " Coronas All Around ! " ...

Is Now The NEW Sound ... !!!
But I DON'T MEAN ... BEERS ... !!!

So Now Thinking Is Sinking As This Thing Starts Shifting ...
It’s The Spreading of FEAR ... That’s Shifting Gears ... !!!!

Shifting Ears And Now It Appears ...
Is Shifting Goods For SHAMELESS CROOKS ... !!!

And NO They DON'T Wear HOODS ... !!!

Now Everyday People Are Dealing In EVIL ...
In The Name of Greed ...
While People Concede To This Corona Disease ... ?!?

A Grand For A Piece of Toilet Roll ... PLEASE ... !!!

Certain Aussies Need To Be Cuffed By Police ...
And NO I DON'T MEAN ... The Aborigines ... !!!!!!!
The Crims’ That Were Sent By Britain’s Government ...
Are Crims' Fo’ REAL ... Yup A Virus INDEED ... !!!!!!

But Not Quite Like The Chinese It Seems ...
In Just A Few Weeks They’ve Hurt Economies ...
With Corona Themes That Have Hit News Feeds ...

And Airlines Too ...
When Cabin Crews Are In Quarantine Queues ... !!!

So What’s The Next Move For Political Groups ... ???
Shutting Down Countries From China To Iran To ... Italy ... !!!

Well Now It’s Bio Warfare That Has The Masses Scared ... !!!

So Now They’re Willing ...
To Wear Their Gloves ... EVERYWHERE ... !!!

After Washing Their Hands of CERTAIN Foreign Clans ...
Taking The Stance of Those ... Ku Klux Klans ... !!!!!

But This Time It’s Not Blacks ...
It’s Now The Chinese Who They Want To See ...

DEMONISED ... Like Diseased Bad Guys ... !!!

But It’s Time For Clear Thinking ... !!!
As I Said At The Beginning ...

People Need To Ask ... WHY ... ?!?

Cos’ It’s Easy To See ...
That World Economies Would Be Beneficiaries ...
Well Actually I Mean ... Western Companies ... !!!!!

If ... Chinese Money ...
Saw A Quick Decrease In Its Power Oversees ... ?!?

Something Smells Funny To People Like Me ...

Well We’ve Quickly Seen Violence ...
And Of Course Police Sirens ...
Now Patrolling The Streets ...
To Curb The Increase of This Corona Disease ... !!!

That’s Killing LOTS of Peeps ... !!!
From Over There In China ... To The World GLOBALLY ...

But It’s A Time For CLEAR THINKING ...
From End To ... Beginning ... !!!

But For Those Who’ve Died ...

I Suggest A Moments Silence ...
Cos’ Now We’re Losing Lives ...

To ......

.... “ The Corona Virus “ ....
Well, obviously, it's hard to really talk about something, that's in it's apparent infancy, that's clearly dangerous, but is also shrouded in, all sorts of mystery.

However, as I post this piece, further propaganda and rumour has just reached me, that certainly suggests, that much surrounding this situation, is not all that it's cracked up to be, so, just be careful, and thoughtful folks .... DON'T just start acting out of panic and fear.

THINK, and then do what is necessary to protect you and your loved ones.....

Anyway, this piece is just expressing my initial thoughts on what this virus may well be actually about ........

Time shall tell .........
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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