God's hand sprinkles this dust That ever so gleams, glitters, glistens Mind dust, stardust, what is it? A gift from the Master To teach usΒ Β great beauty of thought The loveliness of the mind. Not tangible unless put into action of course We retrieve the joy of those mindful thoughts The brightest ones that dance and play.
What can my Master do today with them I pray Where will He take them, how will He use them My thoughts and me I am but clay at the potters wheel Using my mind He will create daily a new vessel Placing a new and right spirit, a thought within me.
Love, joy, happiness and peace are the way Think on these things he doth say. Whatever is true, lovely and pure that I may With great pride not delay Praising my Saviour everday For stardust, sparkling, ever so lovely mind dust Has come to stay.
The End
During an illness I continued to write about the beauty, depth, power and traveling of the mind. How God uses our minds to bring captive not only our thoughts, but His thoughts as well.