I was for him agape abandonment in its purest form. what of he never said if sacrificing myself or him the two of us, we never swam in pristine waters the ripples - as in feeble whispers - always seemed to spoil the truth
in my eyes it was both. your obedient student, dear teacher I was needed as you were by me fawning, adoring, caught in the waves and never the flood had been so welcomed and never drowning in it would feel more just
selfless you yearned for my presence I would ever accompany you from afar my dreams, hollow cave you, forceful sea tide defiling the rock
once upon a time I was neither yours nor mine to spoil I belonged to my lonesome tears as the scorching cold ate away my fierce apathy
for you I would have enjoyed every second my eyes caught yours too many times my feverish skin fewer I regret so much