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Feb 2020
The professesor explained

if you knew the math

it wouldbe crystal clearr

the wave function squared, which gives you the ability

to find
self, greek word logos, self, seek that first.

Rule that as well as you may imagine,

own your self,
know thyself, samesym, seems right

to thine own self, be true

let it be, come and see, we did win the peace.

defining the undefined terms we use idly, like

quantum mechanics, observer authority

idea translation into words
left filled with the meaning held

when the heaviest thinkers in all time, used them. Right?

Many worlds or many mansions, which is more dificult to

-- I say light is its own medium, that's the message.

curvature into a klien bottle shaped bubble, limited

by words powered to convey
the idea of absoulute nothing, outer darkness-like state of neveverbeen,

beyond, this inner edge,
this boundary of words, beyond here,

non sense, not chaos, mere wordless ever yet possible

more, life,
and that, more abundant. If one can put it into words.
Trrying to put this
Ken Pepiton
Written by
Ken Pepiton  75/M/Pine Valley CA
(75/M/Pine Valley CA)   
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