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Jan 2020
Ya Know ...  
I Quite Enjoyed ... " Drag Me To Hell " ... !!!
That Flicks' Quite SICK ... !!!
In How It Toys With Thoughts That Dwell ...
Inside Us All ... About PITFALLS ... !!!
And Choices Made To Make The Grade ...  
That May In The End Decide Your FATE ... !!!
A Fate That Awaits BAD MINDED Traits ... !!!!!
That Show DISDAIN To Being ... " Humane " ...  
This Piece of Prose Is NOT For Those ...
Who Choose To Believe ...
That There Are NO Penalties ... ?!?
When Their Time Is UP ... !?!  
DON'T Be SO DUMB ... !
YOU KNOW Extra Time Comes ...
In A Drawn World Cup .... !!!
And Then You Know What ... ?
It's .... PENALTIES SON .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now Such Analogies Can Be Quite Deep ... !?!
If You Use Your Brain To Do More Than Attain ...  
A Position With Conditions ...  
Like Enforcement of Renditions ...  

Or DENYING A Petition ...  
From A Soul Facing ... EVICTION ... !!!  
Just To GET TO ... THAT Position ... !?!

Envision Now ... " That Vision " ..........
Cos' It's NOT ONE FROM ... " Pulp Fiction " ... !!!!!
It's From ... " Drag Me To Hell " ... !!!
A Story I'll Retell To Make A Point To You ...
What Are The Things You Do That Deep Inside You Rue ... !?!
Have You Thought of SELF ... ?
When You Could Have HELPED ...  
..... Somebody Else ..... ?!?
NOW That Could Have You Dragged To Hell ... !?!
Because Such Moves Are NOT Heartfelt ... !!!
And Just AREN'T COOL Enough To Quell ...
The HEAT In Cells Where Devils Dwell ...  
And ... FINALLY STEW ... !!!
What You Cook Up May Leave You ... "STUCK" ... !?!
Ask CHRISTINE BROWN ... How That Goes Down ... ?!?
It Leads To MORE Than A Face That FROWNS ... !!!
It Leads To WARS On ... " Demonic Grounds " ... !!!!!
ALL BECAUSE of A LUST FOR MORE ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
... MORE Than YOU HAVE ... !!!
Will There Ever Be A Point ... ?
Where You've Got ... ENOUGH ... !?!
THINK About That Son Maybe Spark A Joint ... ???  
And FREE YOUR MIND From Thoughts of THIS Kind ... !!!!!
Do You Think Telling LIES ...
Is Gonna Help Your Plight ... ???
When Judgement Day Arrives ... !?!
There's Surely MORE To Life ... !!!  
Than Your Advancement ... RIGHT ... ?!?
Well It Seems These Days That MANY Now Stray .......................
Down ... DEVIOUS LANES To MAKE Their Way ...  
No Matter WHAT They Have To DO ... !?!?!

From 9/11 Plots To Those Now Being SHOT ... !!!!
In The Name of TERROR They're TRYING TO STOP ... ?!?
I Think There's An ERROR That's Censored SPOCK ... !!!
LOGIC Now Dropped For A FEAR FILLED LOT ... !!!!
FEAR That Seeps And Slowly Creeps ... !!!
Like DEVILISH Deeds Now Running Streets ... !!!
Once Again That's DEEP Just Like This Flick ...  
Where This ... AMBITIOUS Chick ...  
Just Could Not See Beyond Her Dreams of LOVED UP Scenes ...  
Even Though SHE KNEW She Had A TAINTED View ... !!!!
It Was CLEAR That This Lady Was Gonna See HADES ... !!!
"V, it's just a film !"
"I know that dude, But the film was ill !"

"Okay cool, continue !"
"Thank you, I will, see the deal was this,
like a Tale From The Crypt, she received a gift,  
that she didn't want, because of her wish,
to get this job, when she knew she'd done wrong !"
"Okay i'm hearing you Virge, go on, go on !"
"Well, the plot was kinda long, and had a lot going on !
Action and consequence, was the message by the end,
which gave me inspiration, to write this here poem !"
To Improve Your Situation ...
What Would You Truly Do ... !?!
Do You Think That ... Lying BLATANT ... !!!!  
Is Something You Would ... CHOOSE ... ???
Or That He May FACE YOU ... !!!
When It Is TIME For You To DIE ...  
And Testify ... About Your Life ... !?!
When Your Spirit Flies You May Just Find ...
That You Are JUDGED For ALL YOUR CRIMES ... !?!
The ... " Trivial Ones " ...
And MORE SERIOUS Types ... !!!!!
"Son, you ain't a cat, you ain't got nine lives !"
DON'T NO-ONE Know What The Afterlife Holds ... ?!?
But As Curtis Said DON'T Be Misled ... !!!
"If there's a Hell below, we're all gonna go !"
Well I'd Rather Believe ...
That If You DON'T Deceive For ... SELFISH MEANS ... !!!  
You'll Embrace The LIGHT In The Afterlife ... !!!  
... " Drag Me To Hell " ...
Asks Many Questions About Life's Lessons ...
And The One It ... " SELLS " .........
Is ... THIS ONE About HELL .........
When You Think About The Things YOU DO ...  
...... " Could It Await YOU ? " ......
Yes, it's just a movie, but nothing is ever quite as simple as it seems, especially in movies !!!
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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