Time should mean more to me, I know. I shouldn't write about what I've barely come to understand, but you, my love, make words so easy music so sweet.
Chivalry isn't exactly dead, not yet and I can't help but think about properly courting you, stealing kisses when our escort isn't paying attention or writing you disgustingly cheesy love letters that sound nothing like me.
Despite the short time I've known you, I catch myself thinking about what it might be like. If the world would be so kind if Fate wouldn't intervene if I could get to keep you. My own little slice of paradise, of heaven.
I must confess I'm not much of a believer in what I can't see or feel but you pop questions into my head abut even that. How can there not be something inherently pure and good when you're with me? How can I not believe that we were meant for something more when you feel so right?
Our lives have not been fair, this I know. But I think my hardship might have been worth it if they brought me to you.