How do people do it? How do they stay alive? There’s nothing there There’s nothing here It’s cold and it’s empty It’s lonely here I’m so... I’m so alone... And it’s breaking me Because I can’t see it I can’t see myself being happy I can’t see myself loving someone I can’t see myself with a career I can’t see myself smiling sincerely again Because every **** thing inside me It’s in agony It hurts to see people laugh It hurts to see them together It hurts to see them motivated It hurts to see them hope It hurts to see them love Because it’s such a deeply painful reminder That I don’t have those things And I don’t think I ever will I see myself alone Struggling Medicated And perpetually suffering
So I just... I just don’t get it... How do people do it? How do they stay alive? How do they enjoy anything? I don’t.... I don’t understand...