Do not die tonight The heart that has become hollow Is a sacred tomb you once built Out of broken trinkets and feathers Inside A wild little girl sleeps Holding a dream catcher close to her ***** For eternity Rain that once pattered against your window On nights to keep chaos at bay Now watches over you Silently The neighbor’s dog howls at the Psychic Catastrophe As the moon dissolves into the ocean waves Be gentle with your pain Child She says Know that yanking out a dozen hair strands Will not erase ‘self-hate’ Do not stare into a mirror tonight What you see is not You anymore Vacant eyes and creaking bones Your body is now home to another host A piercing wail echoes through the night sky And splits the city air The broken glass on the bathroom floor Glints like a Sailor’s forgotten treasure Swimming over the vast red sea, kindling with its own symphony –Afia Qamar