Did you know that I used to melt at your smile? That I used to be so overwhelmingly happy in planning little surprises and sweet things for you with just that smile as a repayment.
Did you know that I got so scared when that smile started to become less and less? That I knew that something was wrong, and even though I was still trying to do those little things that I could see they didn’t mean as much to you.
Did you know that I always blamed myself for us growing apart? That I would torture myself trying to find the reasons why you had become so distant and unhappy.
Did you know that when I lost you that I lost absolutely everything? That I honestly felt like someone had taken the purpose of me and threw it away, and that my heart hurt so bad that I didn’t think I would be able to stand it.
Did you know how bad those words would hurt me when you said them. That realizing that you never loved me, and that you used me to better your situation for seven years took every smile you gave me and turned it into an agony of falseness that I would never be able to escape from.
Do you know that I still love you? That after everything, I still dream about you and lie awake at night after three years as a slideshow of you runs through my head.
Do you know that even if you never loved me, that you will always be my true love?