Cross the faded line where the Sea meets the sand, stand Between your world and our lives, Doubt never the power beneath you, Within you.
Deny yourself nothing pertaining to Pleasure. May the wind kiss you, May the sun warm until it burns you and May your lovers never hurt you. Rain will hide your blush if you Can learn to enjoy the chill.
Sounds of your breath can Bring you comfortable proof of How deeply the universe loves you In the deafness of coastal cities.
Tell those you’ve never known That I love you, take ownership Of your stand-in position as a mouthpiece Of the hypothetical heavens,
Hold no contempt for what is Uncontrollable, weather as an Obstacle, creeping fears and Bad drivers. There is Nothing which can permanently Stop them but acceptance of Their inherent right to exist and immediate cause for dismissal.
Love, for you can never regret it.
i found this poem written on the back of a page of notes from AP Statistics