* * * (A sad September is heading over the tops...)
A sad September is heading over the tops, through the barren peaks suddenly turned gray. In his heart hidden luggage of memories he carries, and only crickets' farewell sails quietly rustle with wind filled, rocking to sleep dreams* unfulfilled.
Wieslaw Musialowski 10/27/2002
*moments in the original
Autumnal Hour (Shorter)
Look! - from smoke I plait this poem short: for fogs over an autumn meadow with heathers strewn and drowsy, for stubbles, fields and forests - in honor - of bards! I? - I know they're hardly rustling the strophes of simple words... And you? - you weave sorrows!
Wieslaw Musialowski 6/19/2002
Friends, I am asking for your understanding, because all my translations must be proofread and corrected. Poems are hard to translate (even in free verse translations). The original is rhymed. Regards.