The voices in my head The voices that always say That I'm not good enough That I'm not capable of love That i'm ****** to be hurt Bleed to death Keeps getting louder And louder and LOUDER UNTIL I HAVE TO SCREAM TO TALK AND COAX MYSELF.
Each time I think I had the best, the better of me They keep coming at me Throwing shades Making me feels small Like I'm not enough Like I'm not going to make it
You say that it's in my head But i feel them in my bones You say that I am okay But I cry myself to sleep You say I'm happy When i'm holding in the tears You say I'm going to breakthrough But all I see is a quick exit
Nothingness taste bitter And the suffering is getting sweeter Life is getting saltier And daylight is going sour.
And here i am Stuck in the endless cycle Of self pity and euphoria.