sudden waves of sadness came into my shore, enveloped my chest, leaving me no space to breathe, was it the pills or it was just me?
promised myself to always choose happiness, to always live in positivity, and my doctor said it may just be an adverse effect, but was it the pills or it was just me?
was it really possible? to drown in sadness without knowing why? i tried to seek for answers, but was only welcomed by the dark. so was it the pills or it was just me?
it started to rain, and my feelings went in vain, i didn't want to be in this cage, so i prayed to God for some help, was it the pills or it was just me?
i wish this hurricane will soon fade away, for the sun to finally rise with no visible grays, and i know I'll make it through His grace, but it still puzzles me, was it the pills or it was just me?