C'mon, Sweetheart Close your eyes Get really cozy Grab that fuzzy blanket Maybe pet a dog This part is important, now, Breathe in, nice and slow No rush, no hurry, no goal Just breathe And let it out Gently Good girl :)
Now, have you eaten? I know you forget Or just refuse Regardless, Let's get you something Some water as well Perhaps tea? No more coffee, *** Not this late at least
You're doing so well Now, how about a shower? Use your favorite soaps So your skin is left scented Clean and floral
Bedtime, Lovely Alright? Comfy pjs tonight Light a candle for a bit Put on some music Just be. It's really alright You don't have to sleep Not right away Just take care of yourself, okay? I'm here with you We can do this. We're going to be alright.
Working on listening to the kinder, quieter voices in my head.