I believe what is true but knows not truth Instead I feel truth is what I believed Most believe what they feel, instinctively But I, without reasons, cannot believe
Alas reasons found on self evidence As in what is and is not cannot be Conjectures they are if truly honest But axioms worked in all mathematics
Is truth then not of reason but of faith? For does not ear test words as tongue tastes food? Surely then we do have some means to know Even so, must not faith be tested true?
For faith is circular: a conviction Compelled by strength and conviction of will; A will constrained, by flesh, susceptible To unknown beings in spiritual realms
But what if this being is God? And faith, Conviction of the certainty of things, Holy Spirit’s gift, marking election, Affirming justification in God.
Truth by two or more witnesses is sure Do we attest the Holy Spirit true? A blasphemous thought perhaps, but prophets Led to lie to kings and shown to be false.
Thus ignorant sages showed assurance Lies solely in God’s grace, mercy and love And in his faithfulness to the elect Declared in Israel again and again
In my search for truth, I was led to faith, The faithfulness of God, truth’s ultimate rock His gifts unchanging, irrevocable And confirms the fear of the Lord is truth