I’m sorry I’m so clumsy Some days it seems like the world is fighting me at every step And I’m losing the battle I stumble over every stubborn staircase I trip over my tongue like an uneven rug Every new set of walls is a labyrinth I get lost in Every move I make is disjointed and uncertain My fingers and feet flail when I’m carrying precious, fragile things And before I know it I’m sprawled on the floor Surrounded by shattered fragments Bruised and aching Burning with humiliation and frustration
But I’ll try to be careful. If you will be brave enough to trust me I will try to keep my steps in line and my path straight I will try to find the rhythm in the song of my surroundings
I will try to see beyond my limitations My faults, my failures, my frequent falls I will try to look up and see the beauty in the world Instead of staring at my feet in fear I may trip at times But I will not be trapped in trepidation
I ask for your patience I am trying to be patient with myself too My best is all I can really do And I will do what I can to be the best for you