Don't you realize How much you're hurting me Every word you don't hear Is destructively burning me
You're supposed to make me feel safe Yet you're breaking my heart You're supposed to make me feel like I have a place Yet you're tearing me apart
Stop locking me out Of everything I need Stop shutting me out Of the life I want to lead
You're hurting me more than anyone else When you should be my shoulder to cry on You can't expect me to trust you If you don't trust me
I won't respect you If you don't respect me I can't love you If you won't love me
Because you should be here Yet you're slamming this barred door in my face I can see everything I want through those bares Right in front of me, things I can't even taste
Because you're keeping them from me You're killing me And I told you so many times It looks like you'll never listen to me
Why are we this way Why all the doors Why all the locks Where are the keys ?
Why are you locking me out ? Why are you locking me away
I stand here in front of you Every cell in my body Is screaming in agony Yet my smile holds strong
Why can't we talk Why don't you trust me Why do you hurt me Why don't you listen Why do you always think you're right Why can't you consider my opinion
You make me feel like I don't count Why ? Why mum ?
You won't ever read this will you And if you do you still won't listen