On the way, during travelling There’s a lot of obstacles Lots of breakers, lots of crackers Lots of turns and lots of miracles Lots of ups and downs Lots of animals and peoples though And even conditions of roads Are not up to the mark.
But there one thing in our mind We have to reach anyhow at the end There’s no matter if fact that What time it needs.
So, why we stop After some failures? On the way of life. There also obstacles Miracles, sane and insane peoples Crust and trough too.
Why we aren’t so crazy As much as during travelling Why we aren’t keep in mind that Anyhow we have to reach our beach
Therefore, Never stop, never! During the way of your aim. Be so insanely crazy about your game Think why you are doing so.
And Keep in mind that Plant takes a long time To become a prolific tree. They also suffer a lot as we do. Sufferings are different but pain is same though.
Its all about how people change their aim after some failures and disappointed. And also about how everything in our life teaches us some lesson but depend upon us how we see everything, as a lesson or as a ordinary thing.