Most times I imagine myself committing suicide And actually dead, I find myself running away from my home Only time end my life somewhere alone in the woods
A few times I see myself going behind my best friend's house Others the woods near my home; Sometimes going somewhere where I know nobody would think of looking But rarely in my home in the bathroom
I know exactly how things would go if I did it at my trailer home; In the early morning hours, I'd cut and overdose on my pills I've saved up, My mother would try to come in the bathroom at 6:45am when she wakes my brother up for school The door will be locked, she'll call out my name thinking I missed the bus Though she'll receive no response and can't get in So my mother will wake up her boyfriend and ask him to unlock it Only for them to find me on the ground unconscious
But if I left my home, No one would know where to start looking And I'd be successful -
The End
Just my honest thoughts and facts. Feel free to share revision ideas (: