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Feb 2019
When I was younger, I danced in the grass,
Letting the chills engulf me.
I let the leaves ******* over.
I felt the amazed joy travel down my body.

You see,
I forget the feeling.

When I was younger, I held onto dreams,
As if they were only a butterfly away.
I watched as they inspired me.
I held onto that creativity they left in my bones.

You see,
I forget the feeling.

When I was younger, I wished for attention,
As I hold up a creation flashing with love.
I watched as my mother turned to her phone.
I left without a notice or word, as the creation fell without notice or word.

You see,
I know that feeling

Yesterday, I left my leaves and butterflies,
Letting the silence engulf me.
I left the desire for attention behind.
I closed my eyes as the world fell away.

You see,
I am that feeling

This day, they left my there,
Lowering me as if there were no place left.
This was the only place I felt at home, at peace.
I heard nothing as they sang Amazing Grace.

You see,
I caused that feeling
Written by
Untitledheart  19/F/No where you need to know
(19/F/No where you need to know)   
   Henry Akeru
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