Looking in from the outside,
Observing, watching from the side.
Hoping you would look my way,
Afraid you would notice and look away.
Your smile,
Is like a catalyst.
Making my endorphins rise,
Pumping my blood,
Making my hormones flood.
Pushing me to a level that
I never know I could be.
I'm afraid,
Afraid I would lose my head.
Cuz we are so different in two,
So different that when I'm thinking of you,
I kinda merged into you.
When I see you,
Excitement overflows but I couldn't let it show,
Hidden well inside me
Like you are just somebody,
But the truth is,
You are someone I feel heartily.
Guessing games gone in action in my head,
He loves me, he loves me not.
I guess it's not,
And it hurts even if it's just a thought.
Please, please,
Please like me back,
I would pray.
But I know life doesn't always go my way.
Your tease,
Even just a few words make me feel at ease.
Even if I don't show,
I can't stop my heartbeat grow.
Silently I hope,
Hope that you are someone
Who would accept my flaws.
So that I could let my personality flow,
And make our differences glow.
Searching, looking for hints,
Finding your interest through the little things.
For a miracle,
That's what I'm wishing.
Thinking of you makes my heart grows fonder, I guess that's the part that makes this whole one sided thing comforting.