Flurries fall onto the window As white fills the street With a clean white sheet of snow The phone rings Schools have been cancelled Call up my friends “Let’s go down the BIG sled hill” We meet up around 3PM Where no little kids around to ruin our day We pack snow to make a ramp And drag our sleds up to the top As we race down the sled hill one by one Faster than light Speed, I am speed Feeling the freeze and staring at the jump ahead Until we feel an elevation Then we are sent flying high Soaring faster than planes in the sky Until we land Hard landing but we land Every laugh, every giggle fuels are adrenaline As we take on the ramp And build it up and build it up Until we get the biggest jump And once we get tired of that We race down the hill Trying to knock each other off to win So we can go the finals And be crowned a sled champion In our fake world And we rinse and repeat the same formula Our creative minds wonder Until it turns dark Where our mothers come to pick us up at 8 Where we get hot chocolate at McDonalds And head back to someone's house Where pizza and drinks await Where we go downstairs and play video games And talk about girls all night And sleepover and stay up til late Still playing games Having deep talks Life, sports, girls, parents, etc. Truth or Dare, What are the odds Until we start to feel tired And pass out and start dreaming On the next snowfall Under the white blanket
Need a snow day right now tbh. Flashback free verse! Follow for more