I remember the first time I saw you Simply a reflection in the mirror You seemed so harmless And soon you held me You made me feel safe in a make-believe world When the real world was looking grim
I suppose I like the idea of having something that cared Even if you weren't real Or at least I told myself you weren't And at first you seemed that way Something small, and easy to manage You gave the appearance of being just a small fluke But I think we both know that's wrong
You remained in your dormant state for a while Up until I took another emotional battering So you stood with me knee deep in snow under that window And we watched it unfold I know you could tell how shattered I was feeling And that darkness inside me fueled you You grew just a little bit taller And a little bit stronger
Now no one could have stood by my side quite like you did You were no longer a visitor in my life You had become an expected guest I was as sure to see you as the sun was sure to sink into the horizon
I'm sure you could tell I was falling apart And all the time you grew taller and stronger I didn't even notice how tall or how strong you had become At least not until it was too late
I took another emotional blunder Once again knee deep in snow but you stood in my way Under that sickly old tree And the hate in your eyes terrified me more than anything
I knew I could avoid you if I could avoid the dark But you put up a fight You filled my dreams with water And you drown me out
You broke me Told me I was worthless And when the time came you let me swallow those little green pills Those were awful Dying without death was awful
And so it went on You'd soften when I was broken Yet you'd be relentless if I even dared to hope The perfect balance Push enough to keep my head down where you needed it But don't break me
I learned to live with the nightmares And I learned not to look into your fiery red eyes And I tried to live my life the best I could Despite the falling world around me And you did you best to keep me in line
You relished in it all Every drop of blood Every broken sigh Every fallen tear And you sat there the whole time and took it in Like I was a painting you were mesmerized with
After three years of your sick games I met someone You probably remember him quite well He was a friend when I needed one the most And he understood me He understood you
And you grew taller and stronger You stopped hiding in shadows Started making daytime appearances And you became so hurtful You filled my head with lies And I believed them Because you are an excellent liar Best in the business You were determined to put me back in my place
It hurt you know When you'd pull my hair When you would steal my breath with a single touch When you would paralyze me in fear Those kinds of things hurt more than you'd think
And all the time you were getting taller and stronger And more and more willing to destroy me Because if you couldn't have me no one could
So we began the dance of death Cutting a little bit deeper and deeper every time And soon I couldn't tell where I stopped and you began Because I was stuck in this whole you had made me dig So while you were tearing me limb from limb Eating me alive I just wanted to die To be free from all the world had put on me
Maybe you're the reason I was never successful in freeing my soul A dead host means a dead parasite Or maybe god just took pity I don't think either of us really know
But you're **** show came to an end with his betrayal I lost my friend and you finally let up
I made my last attempt on my life that summer And that following winter I made my last cut I started to push you out And though you fought I fought too
So you made your last few meaningful experiences in a closet Locked in the dark I sat though your rage And I learned how to control you Just like how you controlled me. And though you grew taller and stronger as I refused your voice Eventually you didn't grow at all
I wouldn't call it a victory Because I never won You are still out there And I see you in glimpses of the dark But I have been rebuilt And you cannot hurt me anymore
I can't tell this story accurately, never can. It's not something you can really describe at all, you have to see it t believe.