You can have a favourite political party You can support it publicly You can point out others mistakes. You can state facts You can crack a joke on anyone of them. But you have no rights to use your 'public figure' status to influence someone's mind. You are playing all wrong. You can outsmart/ outwit someone's thought here, but only here! Being a public figure, you have the freedom to speak and write your thoughts and the bheed will follow you. But from being an important person you have some unsaid responsibilities which clearly, many ignore. You can state facts without portraying your filthy brain Divisive Mindset on people who do not know how to counter question you. So, basically you are being smart to those who aren't actually questioning you! Which indirectly means you are weak... Very weak indeed. My advice to you people is, start talking to the people who beg to differ from you and have the write wit and the words to question you. So that even you can be sure of your lovely choices. Thanks for reading this!