I’m meeting a friend tomorrow, one I haven’t seen in some years save for the incidental meeting a week ago that sparked this reunion
My thoughts, Reminiscent, tinged with melancholy for that time dotted with puffs of whip cream, sugar, sparkles, and joy spilling from the sky
We were mages one moment, The elements at Our beck and call With a flick of our hands
Warrior cats the next Loyally guarding Bravely scarring
We lives in our world of monsters, and magic, and peach fuzz
None of the extra complications, the insecurities, the splotches marring our once vibrant and lovely canvas, turning it from a rainbow sparkle unicorn pony...to a mare
More time for text books Less time for novels More time for homework Less time for TV More time for crushes and heartbreak and insecurities and tears Less time to run straight ahead without a care in the world
Reality, setting in like large boulders, so heavy and present, jutting into your life, impossible to unsee
It’s not all planes crashing and burning, because now that she’s no longer made up into a sparkle pony, you can see the mare for the