This Picture Perfect Family Is family of contradiction. Hands hold the frame of the Portrait; Bitterness seethes with friction. Repulsive as summer cockroach, Its artwork I wish to reproach. Faces full of fake smiles- Cloyingly sick, I want to puke! The portrait presents many lies.
This Picture Perfect Family, The truth is it has been defiled! Father fights Mother; home havoc! Harmony crushed by clamor. Though I may be a naive child, This family has a vicious void. Resentment rattles with full force; The essence of love long destroyed; Hatred only settled with divorce!
This Picture Perfect Family Can only appear in my dreams. The tone of painting I abhor; Behind our smiles, gloominess gleams, It does not show there is a war. My mind screams in frustration Like the ******’s first castration. I wish this wretched pain to bury- Emotions blurred by apathy!
This Picture Perfect Family Will not exist any longer! I wonder now what is at stake- Foundation of love macerates. Hands tremor in anguish anger; The Family Portrait drops and breaks. Glass frame shatters; heart lacerates.
Oh, let this Portrait rot in hell… Picture Perfect Family farewell!
(c) Jo Swan
Children suffer in silence in a domestic abusive household. I wanted to convey the thoughts of a Child as processing her parent's divorce and the frustration she feels about her predicament.