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Nov 2018
Love is such a wild thing.
I woke up with a wedding ring.
Can't wait for what tomorrow brings.
It's never over.

I used to be a loner
with the world on my shoulders.
Now she helps carry the boulder.
Love is such a lovely thing.

Love is such a jealous thing.
One wrong glance, she takes a swing.
I bear the bruises, scrapes, and stings.
Guess I must like it.

I'm never gonna fight it.
If there's a fire, I must light it
and put it out just to spite it.
Love's such a messy thing.

Love is such a fleeting thing.
One day you've got a wedding ring,
next day it's hanging by a string
Love is such a wild thing.
Tyler Matthew
Written by
Tyler Matthew  27/M/U.S.
     Fawn and Em MacKenzie
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