Life is like a suicide hike, Although it's a beautiful trail It's scary to think one day we'll fall. We fall because we walk on edges, Some worth walking on, some not. Ultimately, we learn from both.
Be careful who you choose to walk with, Be careful who you choose to sit with. Because they may just push you off And way down you'll be falling down. But sometimes it wasn't them who pushed you off But it was them you thought would help you up.
And when we've hit our lowest point in life We start looking for the root of our pain, But it's dark and empty, it stings we feel lost. It's no paradise down here, the pain feeds on our strength. It's a tragic accident that breaks all of our bones. With no paramedics or anesthesia, we've got to operate ourselves. We don't know which injury is killing us more, But we know a slow death is coming for us. Our blood no more, regret is what the heart pumps now, We scream and cry away our mistakes But down here is a curse playing our fall in a loop,
I don't know when it stops I'm drowning myself in my pain. I've stained my soul with too much hate I'm no longer the person who I used to be. I've been down in the dark for too many days But when I start my hike again I hope to go further than yesterday.