Sometimes when I miss you, I forget you are gone When I see my love I give to others When I see the extra mile I give When I press on through my own emotion for them --I think of you. I catch myself turning for your face to find only memories. I feel you touch my shoulder after every smile I make. Now every time the world grows colder I will remember those last words you said to me Your hearty laugh your serious scowl the gallons of black coffee you drank. All seem like distant mirages that used to calm me so. You've taught me to strive for better that I can do more than love And then you taught me the hardest lesson of all --loss.
I lost someone last year around this time and the closer we get to winter the harder it is to remember that she isn't here to talk to. She was my teacher and more than that she was a mother to me. Thank you for everything, Helen, I will see you soon.