Sugar of the island; crystalline. Seclude thyself from the fingers of the men of The World. Birds of flight; softened against the earth; hardened against the sky. Avoid rest beneath the head of the men of The World. Fresh water of the brook; serene. Bubble, toil, and rush away from The mouths of the men of The World. Trees of the forest; magnanimous. Stand tenacious before the frailty of them; fortify the earth as it is gouged by the men of The World. Mountains that challenge the heavens; stoic. Hold thyself between them the men, and The World. Salt-water of the sea; viscous. Run thyself down the gullet of the men of The World. Cattle of the fields; naive. Hold thy tongue and stomach; do not slave to the men of The World. Fangs of the exiled hunters; voracious. Bare thy teeth against them; consume the meat of the men of The World. Children of men; ambiguous. Remain at play; thy memory will wither of the men of The World. Men of The World; insolent; gluttonous. Sit idle and fat; thy follies shall decay beneath the history of The World.