I meet her an autumn evening It was cold outside, but she didn’t care She took my hand and dragged me away from the party, the people, the noise she said that it was a perfect night a perfect night for us to meet cause the sky was cloudless and the moonlight wasn’t bright enough to steal the beauty of her favorite thing the lonely yet perfect stars she said she was like the stars easy to admire, beautiful and unique but dangerous to come close to that she could destroy everything but I wouldn’t believe her words it was like they became a brisk breeze that cold night her ocean blue eyes lit up in the moonlight and her long blond hair where full of crunchy leaf’s her nails were long and painted with dark brown nail polish and her coat was nowhere near she laughed at me when I panicked and said a stupid joke and she kissed me on the lips when we saw a star shouting glide effortlessly across the dark blue sky I closed my eyes for second or two And when I opened them again she was gone