To increase good fortune like a tree of life. A AB ABR ABRA ABRAC ABRACA ABRACAD ABRACADA ABRACADAB ABRACADABR ABRACADABRA. I changed! got Wiser! I didn't share my Knight his destiny cursed Mom birthing me! unprovoqued playing us both lover against lover by chicanery deceit duplicity backfiring deadly on me! for his destiny to appear wholly good being more evil then good. ~~~SO NOW~ I create as I speak! I won't disappear like the word I was wholly good long ago now I am more good than evil ballanced rising beauty Take heed though! this really happened to me not remembering this magic prescripted incantation nor understanding it a temporary memory loss due to brain blood loss Oh! many years ago missing the mark this timeless riddle My loss was imeasurable! I lost my true love. Understanding it would have boomeranged me joy happily ever after Great fortune fame True love priceless along with saying just TEN to fifty two magic words bellow: I AM SORRY I never meant to hurt you. me fierce unborn protector twas wrong medical advice I love you, I will marry you I will sing for you No birthing task will ever be too hard for me to show love love of my life I surrender to you do with me as you please if your LOVE is my prise! ~~~~~ I demeanish misfortune ABRACADABRA in reverse below. ~~ why fail to question my exasperated response to ur e-mail why not ask about original offender e-mailer! the poisoner coiled to your bed waiting was your breach of trust! irate culprit setting up discord your destiny wrote saying "I was unhappy because I didn't like the WAY my mother's p...y looked when I was born!" all out of jealousy! malice greed evile way of deceiving a man to see an ugly deceiver in more favourable light it hurts doesnt it? I returned fireball to smc thinking viper still on to me but it was you who got it! uran back to wine-reward! original offender dragging you into her collapsing black hole where not even urlight escapes your capricorn's revenge! victims aren't fools! foe is now exposed youmemeuwins ABRACADABRA ABRACADABR ABRACADAB ABRACADA ABRACA ABRACA ABRAC ABRA ABR AB A. ~~~~~ By;Karijinbba ~All copy rights reserved~ ~pc=rc=jpt-asg=aa=bba~
Abracadabra; Take thee all thy wealth and treasures buried loot precious love I wish for no other wealth from thee then to be thine wife from my virginity to have only thee one man one husband for the father of many of our children and to never know NO other man in this life or in many more, my Lancelott My King of Prussia PA Mont Davis, Macchu-Picchu my highest mountain climber lover Hymalayan thee! Abracadabra! Its my wishing well coin wish for today since 44 Springs back.