Hidden from the world's eyes, when you love someone. There's a bit of excitement every time, there's so much fun. When you can't stop talking to each other, Sometimes in the bathroom and sometimes from the slab of the kitchen. Talking at night, when she'll be your moonlight & in the morning you'll be her bright sun.
When there's no fun doing anything else. While talking to her becomes your only delight. Being lost in the conversation with her, you can't even discern between the day and night. Covering the blanket upto your face, Hugging your pillow really very tight. Whispering love into each other's ears, Knowing you're not alone now and hence feeling everything's alright.
In front of people you act mature but with her you always act silly. When everyone will know about it and will interpret unknowingly. While texting her you'll smile and everyone will look at you quietly. Then my dear friend your love is growing. There's nothing better than loving someone secretly.
Rhyme scheme ab, cb, db.... I am one of those people who loves keeping their love secret...hidden from this world